Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Search Process And Study Selection - 1553 Words

RESULTS Study Selection The search process and study selection are presented in a flow chart (Fig. S1). Thirty-nine articles were finally included. Among these, 14 measured either empathy or one or more of the key emotional competencies: identification of one’s own emotions, identification of other’s emotions and emotional acceptance. Study Characteristics Most studies (n=25; 64%) were conducted in the US; 14 studies were randomized controlled trials (RCT; 36%), 10 studies were quasi-experimental studies with control but no random allocation (29%) and 15 studies were pre-post designs with no control (38%). Intervention length ranged from 1 to 12 weeks. Table S2 provides information on each study design, sample, intervention, outcomes,†¦show more content†¦All of the reviewed studies, except two, measured at least one mental health outcome. The most measured outcome in this category was HCPs’ perceived stress with 19/39 (49%) studies. 18/19 (95%) studies have found that MBSR decreases HCPs perceived stress. Burnout was the second most measured outcome, with 17 studies. 9/17 (53%) studies have found that MBSR reduces HCPs’ burnout. 10/11 (91%) studies have concluded MBSR to be effective in reducing anxiety in HCPs. 6/6 (100%) studies found MBSR to be effective in improving HCPs mental well-being. Overall, these res ults suggest that MBSR may impact HCPs’ mental health difficulties favorably. Physical Health and Physical Well-Being 4/39 (11%) studies measured the effect of MBSR on HCPs physical well-being. 1/4 (25%) study found MBSR to be useful in increasing physical well-being in HCPs. Mindfulness Outcomes Only seventeen studies of the review have measured the construct of mindfulness using 5 different questionnaires. 14/17 (82%) studies assessing mindfulness in HCPs, found that MBSR increased HCPs’ levels of mindfulness. 10/17 studies have used the Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS)30, which measures dispositional attention and awareness of present moment experiences with a single total score. Four studies have used the Five Facets Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ)31, which measures five domains of mindfulness (observing, describing, acting with awareness, non-judging of inner experience,

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